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A. G. Teachers College - College of Teacher Education (CTE)
A. G. Teachers College was established by the Ahmedabad Education Society in June, 1952, with the help of donation by Acharatlal Charities. The above donation was purely dedicated for running education of various kinds of in-service training programmes and to strengthen class-room teaching of 21st century. B.Ed. course comprises a platform to enhance and enrich innate capabilities lying in the trainees, by organizing various co-curricular activities.
To contribute highly professional, challengeable, ethical teachers through rigorous training for comprehensive development of the nation.
Qualitative contribution through teaching-learning process for the empowerment of the nation.
- To provide education to all those who desire to be good teachers, without any bias about their caste, creed, religion, some kind of handicap etc.
- To provide well trained teachers to the secondary and higher secondary school sector.
- To inculcate values of community service, national integrity, national pride, religious tolerance, aesthetic sense for the environment earth.
- To develop moral character and good personality of trainees.
- To create awareness among the trainees about needs of the society, social changes, needs to conserve nature and its resources.
- To conduct in-service training programmes for the secondary and higher secondary school teachers of Ahmedabad district, Gandhinagar district and Surendranagar district under the banner of College of Teachers Education (CTE).